Kipkorir Salat Secondary School

Quick Info

Kipkorir Salat Secondary School is in Bomet County (Konoin Constituency).

Kipkorir Salat Secondary School is a mixed day & boarding secondary school.

Nearby schools:

  1. Satiet Primary School (204.38m)
  2. Winsa Academy Pri (411.87m)
  3. Aregeriot Primary (905.53m)
  4. Muramet Primary School (1422.92m)
  5. Komirmir Primary School (1675.42m)


School Code: M7180580

Address: 778 Litein

Level: Secondary School

Day/Boarding: Day & Boarding

Gender: Mixed

Ownership: Public

Sponsor: Central Government/DEB

Student Needs: Ordinary


Acreage: 5

Acreage per enrolment: 45.8

Pupil Teacher Ratio: 0.0

Total Enrolment: 229

Total Teaching staff: 16


County: Bomet

Constituency: Konoin

Province: Rift Valley

District: Bureti

Division: Konoin

Location: Satiet

Sub Location: Satiet


TSC Male Teachers 10
TSC Female Teachers 2
Local Authority Male Teachers 0
Local Authority Female Teachers 0
PTA Board of Governors Male Teacher 3
PTA Board of Governors Female Teacher 1
Other Male Teachers 0
Other Female Teachers 0
Non Teaching Staff Male 12
Non Teaching Staff Female 5