Aic Kathyoli Pri Sch

Quick Info

Aic Kathyoli Pri Sch is in Machakos County (Mwala Constituency).

Aic Kathyoli Pri Sch is a mixed n/a primary school.

Nearby schools:

  1. Kyamboo Pri Sch (950.40m)
  2. Kombe Hgm Pri Sch (1707.14m)
  3. Mbiuni Pri Sch (2116.02m)
  4. Mbiuni Sec Sch (2127.04m)
  5. Kyelendu Pri Sch (2184.03m)


School Code:


Level: Primary School

Day/Boarding: N/A

Gender: Mixed

Ownership: Public

Sponsor: Religious Organisation

Student Needs: Ordinary


Pupil Classroom Ratio: 16.3

Pupil Teacher Ratio: 21.7

Pupil Toilet Ratio: 65

Teachers Toilets: 1

Total Number of Classrooms: 8


County: Machakos

Constituency: Mwala

Province: Eastern

District: Machakos

Division: Mwala

Location: Mbiuni


TSC Male Teachers 2
TSC Female Teachers 4
Local Authority Male Teachers 0
Local Authority Female Teachers 0
PTA Board of Governors Male Teacher 0
PTA Board of Governors Female Teacher 0
Other Male Teachers 0
Other Female Teachers 0
Non Teaching Staff Male 1
Non Teaching Staff Female 0


Boys Girls Total
Enrollment 0 0 130
Toilets 1 1 0